Why does this tooth need a crown?
Teeth need crowns due to a loss of tooth structure caused by decay, a fracture or a large filling failure. All of these weaken the tooth. A crown protects the tooth from the stresses of chewing. The Chaplains at the jail are looking for those inmates that really want to change their lives. Dr. Hann works with those inmates to create dentures or fillings for them so that they have a better chance at getting work.
How do I treat a temporary crown for the two weeks between the prep and the crown seat?
A temporary crown is made of resin and is not as strong as the permanent crown will be, so you need to treat it carefully. Do not eat hard or sticky foods. If it comes uncemented, you can coat the inside with toothpaste or vaseline and push it back onto the tooth. Call the office and we will get you in to recement the temporary crown right away. When flossing a temporary crown, pull the floss out to the side, do not pop floss up toward the chewing surface.
Why don't I see the decay until it is very large?
Decay is very lazy. It will make a tiny access opening into the enamel and then spread into the softer dentin under-neath, until there isn’t anything supporting the enamel and it fractures away, leaving a cavity.
What are sealants?
Sealants are helpful in controlling decay in certain areas of your mouth. They are an acrylic like material that seal out decay causing bacteria from the chewing surfaces of back teeth. There is no specific age when sealants are received, but we often place them when the six year molars appear. If a person is susceptible to tooth decay, we can place them on primary teeth or an adult tooth that has not been filled.
When is the best time to start bringing in my child?
Unless you see a suspicious area, we normally see a child around age 3 1/2 to 4 years old. At that time we can do a “Happy Visit” which includes familiarizing them with various procedures that we normally do during a check-up and exam. Some children are ready for x-rays, prophy and fluoride treatment at this time.
What are warning signs of gum disease?
- Gums that bleed easily
- Red, swollen or tender gums
- Gums that have pulled away from the teeth
- Pus between the teeth and gums when the gums are pressed
- Persistent bad breath or bad taste
- Permanent teeth that are loose or separating
- Any change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite
- Any changes in the fit of partial dentures
What is periodontal disease?
Periodontal comes from two Greek words that mean “Around the Tooth”. Periodontal disease is caused by bacterial infections that attack gums, ligaments and bone. Often people don’t realize they have any problems because it can be painless. Regular checkups and exams are necessary in order to check for gum disease as well as tooth health.